Spring Reguvenates & Inspires
We seem to so easily lose sight of those things most important in our lives. Sure, I have to make a living outside of my world of poetic muse. Poetic writings generally do not bring on a torrent of cash flow from its renderings so I must take care to attend to the more mundane of life's tasks in order to put food on the table.
Still, I venture back as I may to share my thoughts on poetic composition as frequent as time will allow. We who author poetic verse share a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction that perhaps many do not understand nor acknowledge. That's ok though. We all embrace our own preferences whether it pertain to food, clothing, our occupation, travel, song, personal well-being, what we read etc.
For some of us the arrival of season brings with it such a refreshing sense of renewal and awakened energy, and a welcome sense of creative flow as I turn to things poetic once again. There is so much about spring that inspires one to write...the budding trees and flowers, warm breezes caressed by new scents of the season, cleansing rains that wash away winter's spoils, the shrill chirping of birds in song.
The arousal of one's senses at this time of year, especially sight, hearing and smell cause words to flow easy on the page. One can never overuse written observations of such things of beauty and calm. The following verse was inspired around this time last year, among many other verses, that will share their place in my upcoming books:
Billy Goat Rise
High on a mountain ledge billy goat stands
Towering pines and crystal clear streams
Emerald rivers with rapids rush by
And squinting dark eyes shade a glaring sun
Bantering chatter announcing its place
Guardian of the trails, vigilance keeps
Grazing, then moving on, upward it climbs
Careful it steps among rocks and tree stumps
On its way to the summit, billy goat rise
Like the goat, I bask in the balm of this springtime reprise.
Don MacIver
Copyright 2007
I just wanted to let you know that I sponsor a poetry contest with a $10,000 first place prize every month. I thought your poem would be a good candidate. Just click my name for the site. Keep on writing...
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