Monday, June 20, 2005

Newsletters As A Promotional Tool

Newsletters...a simple form of shared information and a great way to promote a website, product or service.

In the ever-changing world of the internet, that vast vortex of cyberspace known as the information highway, in which this journal is displayed, the newsletter has become an important tool for those wishing to gain greater exposure for their website, goods or services.

There is a vast resource of newsletter or mailing list hosts on the internet today offering free and paid services. For the budget conscious webmaster even a free mailing list service provides a great opportunity to share information to subscribers that is relevant to a website and the goods or services offered on that site.

Newsletters afford the author an opportunity to establish credibility as an authority or expert in a given field and increase return traffic to a website. I publish a newsletter with content related to poetry and my own writing, book and websites.

I also have an ever-increasing series of links to my own websites and many other websites containing content relevant to my own website. Providing links to other websites is not necessarily an endorsement of those websites but a means to enhance the visiting experience and information resources available for each visitor to your website with a click of their mouse.

Once again here is yet another free resource for the webmaster, whether a novice or experienced and professional, to offer a resource-rich and free source of related information to website visitors that will help increase the rate of unique or return visits to your website.

There is also the option of paid mailing list services that facilitate paid subscribers to the newsletter. In this case the newsletter generates a revenue stream for the author of the newsletter. Before creating a paid subscriber newsletter it may best serve the author to start with a free newsletter to gain experience with this type of promotional medium...walk before you run!

As with other forms of online promotional tools ie websites and blogs, the newsletter should contain minimal graphics and be rich in quality text content - that is content that is interesting and useful in value to the subscriber, information that will compel the subscriber to continue to receive the newsletter on an ongoing basis.

Content in a newsletter should be fresh and informative with each issue. Added links, website reviews and related news updates will maintain a subscriber's interest and desire to continue to remain on the mailing list. The subscriber has to feel like they will benefit somehow with each new issue sent to them.

Newsletter or mailing list services provide easy creation and distribution for its author. The key is to develop a growing list of subscribers and advance research should be undertaken to find out how best to establish that list.

There are a vast number of mailing list service hosts, free and paid to suit everyone's budget. A simple search engine query with keywords such as "free mailing list hosts" or "newsletter hosting" will provide a lengthy list of plans to review and choose from. One such hosting service is found at . Many website resource sites will also provide a list of recommended sites.

The newsletter is a great way to provide sample excerpts of an author's writing and I have produced my own newsletter to help promote my various websites and also to enhance my website visitors' experience by providing links to other related websites. The more a visitor feels they are getting out of a newsletter and linked websites the more a subscriber will want to continue to receive that newsletter... and the more they will return to your website and desire to obtain the goods or services that you are promoting.

Subscribe to my newsletter "Quillspeak" today! Use the quick and easy subsciber form provided below to sign up for my monthly newsletter about things poetic.


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