Saturday, November 19, 2005

When Should I Write?

One of the greatest challenges for a writer seems to be deciding when the best time is to sit down and write.

There's no absolute answer to that question however more often than not inspiration occurs most frequently when the writer has experienced a situation first hand - up front and personal.

There is a virutally infinite number of topics with which to write about. Maybe it's a romantic chance meeting with someone, a walk in the park, quiet reflection about a life situation that has impacted your life, a chirping bird, terrible news in the media, an historic event.

Writing poetry, or articles, stories etc. is so strongly influenced by those things observed, emotional response, interpretation, etc. When an event or situation takes place that inspires the collective words to form verse or a story don't hesitate to get it down on paper...or at the keyboard as the case may be.

Chances are if you as the writer have experienced a very strong response to such situations then others will reciprocate that emotional response if the piece has been written with captivating or evocative content. The story portrayed in the piece, if well constructed, should ignite the readers' senses without having to resort to any artificial means to achieve that end.

There are times when a writer suffers that dreaded "writer's block". This problem sometimes occurs when a writer attempts to build a rapid and large volume of written material rather than concentrating on quality pieces that are fresh in content and grip the reader's attention with its unique and captivating style. Writing too much about a singular topic can also lead to stagnating creativity. Diversify your writing themes and your own personal index of writing subjects will become broader by the day.

Be your own worst critic when writing a piece. Read it back several times to test your own reaction. If you hear yourself saying blah, blah, blah then perhaps your material is a bit stale.

In recent years one of the most powerful real life situations that has affected us all worldwide was the horrific events in the United States on September 11. 2001. Our senses were jolted and shaken to the point of fear and confusion, sadness, rage, heartbreak and a host of other emotional responses. That singular historic event has inspired an enormous volume of written material around the globe and likely will for a long time to come.

As a writer my mental notepad is with me 24/7 and as soon as I see, hear, touch, smell or taste something new, something exciting, something that invokes true emotional response...I write it down, point form, longhand, whatever it takes to lock down that image or thought and when I get back to my computer I am reassured that the "ink" will flow.

The human experience is as diverse as the universe. There is commonality of themes such as romance, death, crime, war, relationships, natural disasters, nature and the environment...the list goes on and on.

People want to read things that give them a sense of satisfaction, enlightenment, faith, informative understanding, relaxation and so much more. With so much that occurs every day of our lives, whether just around the corner or across the far reaches of the globe, there is and will always be so much to write about.

Relax, observe, experience....and write.

On my website "A Poet's View" at I offer a diverse range of original poetry works that are receiving critical acclaim. Please visit and return often for newly written poetic verse.

Don MacIver
author, Journeys In Verse
copyright 2004